Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Around the house

Here are some photos of flowers and plants around the house.  I will have more photos soon of our finished planted garden and flowers around the house.  The weather has been pretty good so far for a garden.  It is getting lots of water from the rain we have been having.  Which saves us from having to water it ourselves.  I just hope everything will grow that we planted.

Can not remember the name of this pretty plant.  Has a crazy name something like Blood Bearded Tongue but don't hold me to that.

Carpathian Bell Flower

Red Azalea Plant

White Azalea Plant

New mulch on side of house

Another view of our walk path

Forsythia Bush in the front of the house

Robin looking for worms

Some of the seed packets that we planted

Tomato, Zucchini, Egg Plant, Pepper and Hot Pepper Plants

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