Friday, April 13, 2012


We hope you are enjoying our posts so far...  Kids are on Spring vacation and we are busy around the house.  We have lots of spring cleaning and organizing to do. 

We probably won't be posting things in order here.  Pictures are going to be all over the place from past or present and random at anytime.  I would like to share some of my recipes on here too that we really like.  We are stilling trying to figure out how to run this whole "Blog" thing.  I think we have done pretty good so far but I know there is still lots to learn.  Keep checking back to see what's new around here.


  1. Great blog, Dianna! This is a great way to keep up on what's going on.

    Love you guys!

    1. Thank you! :) We have been talking about doing this for a long time and just never seemed to get around to do it. I finally decided to give it a shot and get it started. I'm actually having fun with it and Timmy is liking it too.

  2. does this mean you aren't going to facebook any more? :)

  3. I'll still be on Facebook once in awhile. I try to peek at it everday but it always doesn't seem to work that way.
